This is my story about Le Jardin Retrouvé.
I haven’t written here in a while. It’s not that I haven’t used my nose, that is simply inevitable.
I was discouraged.
Weak in front of all the wonderful creations that I dipped my nose into.
Yes, I thought at that time that my knowledge is frail, that I scratched only just below the surface, tiny drops in a vast ocean of perfumes, with so many new perfumes airing every single day.
How can I possibly grasp them all? The quantity led me to pull away, shy away, retreat to my safe zone of familiar scents. I didn’t write for some time, I was happily enjoying my collection, wearing perfume, and not even looking at any of the new releases.
And then, a kind of a wake-up call happened. I was so happy to sample Le Jardin Retrouve perfumes, and I enjoyed them!

Le Jardin Retrouve Brand Overview: The Story

I learned to be cautious, to take one step at a time, one scent per week, to work more on my self, to sharpen the distinction, to dive deeper in components, to…breathe!
I traveled, collecting new scents and olfactory experiences. I found some. Others found me.
I will tell you my new tales of the nose, little bits, and pieces of the olfactory world I collected meticulously and sorted to be exposed.
The olfactory world is like a huge garden. I came across an old garden. Lush, scented, colorful, joyous. It spoke to me in the language of scents, and it made me happy.
Let me tell you a story about a man and a woman, their love for scents, and how all good things eventually resurface.
Once upon a time lived a perfumer named Yuri Gutzatz.
A composer, an artist. He was much bothered by what the world of perfumes has turned into, astounded by mass production, marketing inputs, and banality of products.
With his wife, Arlene, he founded in 1975. Le Jardin Retrouve, maybe the first-ever niche perfumes house.
Yuri and his colleagues also founded Osmotheque in Paris, the only place in the world where you could research perfumes from times long ago…
To research, to share knowledge, to emerge yourself in the sacred art of perfumery, what an extraordinary idea!
Yuri died in 1975. and the business slowed down, withered to a few branches, surviving only on its faithful clients’ fidelity.
The garden grew darker and what once shone brightly became tinted with the passing of time. A sleeping beauty, indeed.
As time passed, Yuri’s eldest son, Michael together with his wife Clara, decided to revive Le Jardin Retrouve! So he did, in 2016., dipping into notebooks and written traces of Yuri’s notes and formulas.
Under their caring hands, the garden blossomed again!
They have recently launched new/old perfumes, olfactory paintings of various gardens. When I say paintings, this is what I mean literally:
Le Jardin Retrouve
I just enjoyed looking at these small packages, visually savoring them, taking a blind pick which one to smell first.
Let me present you these seven vibrant sceneries of scent coming from Le Jardin Retrouve:
Le Jardin Retrouve Perfume
The first Le Jardin Retrouve perfumes to review? A hard choice. Each one has its own charm.
I’m thinking about Cuir de Russie
The Plum Girl
Elena Cvjetkovic
Photos: The Plum Girl
Samples of perfumes provided by Le Jardin Retrouve

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