I wrote a post on Instagram recently saying that I’m opening my web for niche/indie/artisan perfume brands during the current pandemic in order to help them spread the news about their offers and/or new releases. This is our first #sprayitforward Newsletter No.1: do share, please!

I’ve never done this before – I’ve always published only my own reviews, travelogues and thoughts&musings, and my stats have boomed continuously through years anyway. The time to show solidarity and volunteer is – now.

At this time (although my main, breadwinning business is practically nonexistent and my family in self-isolation during the lockdown) I want to do what I can to help small perfume brands in times of need: let’s #sprayitforward!

So, here we go with information and excerpts of newsletters that brands have recently sent me: 

Art de Parfum 

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…is celebrating Mother’s day with an exclusive 10% online offer for orders over 100 GBP: “She taught you the importance of stopping to smell the roses. This Mother’s Day, surprise her with a scentsational gift”

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Le Jardin Retrouve

…is thinking about enchantment. Can enchantment save us?

Le Jardin Retrouve

There are times when enchantment might be the only way to go.
I am not speaking about negating what is going on, but to make the brutality of it bearable and escape from it on and off.
I use enchantment in my daily life, as a consolation, a distraction, and mostly as a tool to bend life to my desires rather than being bent by it. As a writer and artist, but also as a mother and wife, anything creative allows me to give meaning to a meaningless world and “spray” my existence with joy.
 Paradoxically, the reason why I joined Michel in the incredible endeavor of reviving his father’s small house of perfumes is enchantment. Le Jardin Retrouvé was born from a man, Yuri – and a woman, Arlette – who believed in it and I could feel it so strongly I decided to jump in. 
I imagined a garden (“Jardin” in French) full of enchantments and asked my creative team to express it with a touch of Spring.
 So, I was wondering, do you also believe in enchantment? What is your favorite personal enchantment?
Edenly yours,
Clara Feder”
Discover Rose Trocadero, Tuberose Trianon or Citron Boboli this spring! You can read my reviews of Le Jardin Retrouve perfumes here and here.
Given the recent news and global updates, The Fragrance Foundation made changes in previously scheduled TFF events:
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“TFF Awards Luncheon on April 3rd will NOT take place. We will LIVE STREAM on May 1st. The May 1st LIVE STREAM will allow all who receive an e-vite to tune in wherever they are located. We will have an exciting host, who will join me and others to announce 9 Award winners and all other finalists. All the winners announced May 1st will be recapped at the June 4th Awards.”

Perfumed Plume Awards for Fragrance Journalism have canceled 3/23 Finalists Reveal Event: 

Perfumed Plume Awards

“Out of an abundance of caution, we have made the sad decision to cancel the Perfumed Plume Awards Finalists Reveal event scheduled on MONDAY, MARCH 23 at MANE Gallery.
Please delete it from your calendar.  Of course, we will make sure that you receive news of the happy finalists so they can at least celebrate with a glass of bubbly at home! Please note that the Perfumed Plume Awards celebration is still scheduled for Thursday 4/23 and we will notify of any changes. “

Feel free to send me your newsletters and press releases, I’ll edit, invest my time, and give you my resources of nourishing and maintaining a web page that will give you more visibility. I hope to publish #sprayitforward news twice a week until we all get through this situation.

I will also continue to publish my reviews, next one is coming up in a couple of days! 

Take care and #sprayathome! 

The Plum Girl

Elena Cvjetkovic 

Photos: Elena Cvjetkovic, brands featured


I do not warrant, endorse, guarantee, or assume responsibility for the accuracy or reliability of any information offered by third-party websites linked through the brands’ press releases. I will not be a party to or in any way be responsible for monitoring any transaction between you and third-party providers of products. The service of publishing PR materials provided by niche/indie/artisan brands on my website during the Covid19 pandemic is free of charge and/or any strings attached.


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