
dawn spencer hurwitz


“…If I had them, I’d be King”.

But it’s the juicy green balls of desire – figs! that we’re talking about here!

Balls Said the Queen by Dawn Spencer Hurwitz of DSH Perfumes is not a beach-y or tropical fragrance at all, and yet it feels lush like a late summer’s day, like the moment when you realize that the summer is almost gone and each and every minute of a hot day suddenly feels like a precious gift you don’t want to let go of. It’s not gourmand either, and yet it is mouthwatering and inviting. You might call it „green“ but that’s a hot hue of green, like a green leaf placed over strategic places on a naked body. And even though it feels openly sensual, its balance is refined.

Dawn thinks it’s „kinda badass.“, and I think it’s a fragrance that’s wonderfully sensual in a very playful way.