Born and raised in Grasse, Aurelien Guichard – coming from a family of perfumers for 7 generations and trained in the famous Givaudan School, is a perfumer signing close to one hundred creations prior to co-founding his own brand in 2019, amidst the Covid19 crisis.
Der Duft is a new perfume brand, launched recently with two fragrances: Grasse by Anselm Skogstad, perfumer and owner of the brand, and Pride by Miguel Matos.
Die Perfums: what matters is inside the bottle, with a minimalistic approach to packaging and presentation. Simple, clear, and straight to the point.
I visited Grasse two years ago, and upon my arrival this August I noticed some changes.
Here I go again, back to Grasse!
The second time in three years, to be exact, spending my vacation there, already feeling a bit like a Grassoise. Here’s my report from the city, with tips&tricks, and must-visit places!
Memories of a date palm tree:
What if an old palm tree in an oasis somewhere far away in a desert could tell you about its memories? Fragrant memories of all events that it witnessed? Date palm trees are silent observers of life unfolding in their shade for ages. It would be unfair to describe them with only one note, the one trying to recall palm leaves, usually an accord painting a summer-tropical-relaxed vibe, as we have known it up to now. What about its flower? Trunk? Fruit? Surroundings? The whole experience? A fragrant ode to a palm tree? This is what FO’AH is all about…
Enjoy reading my report featuring Grasse, France – published on Naturala. hr!
Read the full story (in Croatian) here.
“Na drugom kraju prostrane doline, možda dvije milje dalje, smjestio se, ili bolje rečeno, zalijepio se na obronke brda grad. Iz daljine nije baš ostavljao dojam raskoši. Nije bilo veličanstvene katedrale koja bi nadvisivala kuće, samo tuljak od crkvenog tornja, nikakve moćne tvrđave ni upadljivo raskošne građevine. Ni zidine nisu ostavljale nikakav dojam, tu i tamo nazirale su se kuće sagrađene izvan njihova kruga, naročito na obroncima.
Enjoy your read!
The Plum Girl
Elena Cvjetkovic