It’s like when you’re on a roller coaster ride. You know that moment where you go quickly over a peak in the ride, and you feel that weird sensation in your stomach? Then you plunge. At that moment, you’re weightless, free of anything pushing or pulling you, it’s exciting and challenging at the same time. Like Etruscan Water…
This year one perfume influenced our (my?) decision where to spend our family vacation: Etruscan Water by Francesca Bianchi Perfumes.
Ergo, the Etruscan Coast, what else? The rest of the team didn’t mind.
Just kidding (and not). This perfume has been haunting me ever since I first tried it, seducing me over months to follow, and when I fall in love I can’t really focus, and I go all the way to the Moon and back, collect a star or two while floating blissfully in space, do a couple of backward flips, usually lend straight on my nose, and this is why I didn’t finish my review yet! It’s still brewing inside my heart. I stray- let’s move on, vacation, road-trip, brain-out time…
Here’s my Tuscan Coast travelogue, and a story about Etruscan Water: where the idea was born…
Here I go again, back to Grasse!
The second time in three years, to be exact, spending my vacation there, already feeling a bit like a Grassoise. Here’s my report from the city, with tips&tricks, and must-visit places!
The Golden City. Once you visit Prague, it is clear why it is called so.
The Vltava. (I keep hearing the melody playing softly in my head as I look upon the city, Bedřich Smetana on my mind). And all the bridges of the Vltava river in Prague, what a sight!
This will be probably the shortest perfumes travelogue ever written in my blog series: what’s up in Paris?
I wanted to write just that and post some photos, but couldn’t resist, so here it goes…The Plum Girl in Paris!
Enjoy reading my report featuring Grasse, France – published on Naturala. hr!
Read the full story (in Croatian) here.
“Na drugom kraju prostrane doline, možda dvije milje dalje, smjestio se, ili bolje rečeno, zalijepio se na obronke brda grad. Iz daljine nije baš ostavljao dojam raskoši. Nije bilo veličanstvene katedrale koja bi nadvisivala kuće, samo tuljak od crkvenog tornja, nikakve moćne tvrđave ni upadljivo raskošne građevine. Ni zidine nisu ostavljale nikakav dojam, tu i tamo nazirale su se kuće sagrađene izvan njihova kruga, naročito na obroncima.
Enjoy your read!
The Plum Girl
Elena Cvjetkovic